This unit was about the skeletal system, bones and joints. Some essential understandings were naming bones and joints. There are different categories of bones (long bones, short bones, flat bones, and irregular). As for joints, they can be characterized by their motion and the material they are blinded with. For describing motion these words are used: Synarthroses (immovable), Amphiarthroses (slightly movable), and Diarthroses (movable). For describing material these words are used: Fibrous (can be synarthroses, amphiarthroses, and diarthroses), Cartilagenous (can be synarthroses, and amphiarthroses), and synovial (can only be diarthroses). Synovial can only be diarthroses because synovial joins are always movable. Common synovial joints can be described as ball and socket joints, hinge joints, and sliding joints. Another major understanding for this unit is bone remodeling. there are two cells that assist in bone remodeling. One is osteoblasts (that are made by osteoprogenitor cells and turn into osteocytes). Osteoblasts build up bones and also secrete collagen. Then there are osteoclasts which break down bones. We also learned how to classify different bone fractures. A complete fracture is when the bone is broken completely through while a incomplete (greenstick) fracture is one that is not broken all the way through. A simple fracture doesn't tear through skin, but a complex fracture does go through skin. This is why a complex greenstick fracture cannot exist. A comminuted fracture is one that is broken into 3 or more pieces.
In this unit we did an owl pellet dissection. Here is the link to that:
I am still confused about and wondering about the skull and how the bones in the skull are fused.
Checking back on my New Year's goals, I am keeping up with my work. However, I am not going to bed very early and I am definitely not getting 8 hours of sleep a night. I think I need to manage my time better and one way I can do that is by turning off my phone while doing homework.