Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

In this unit, I learned a lot of surprising things about our digestive systems and metabolism. The first interesting fact I learned was that our small intestine is actually the longest part of our digestive tract! I always thought that the small intestine was very small, because of its name. In class we measured out the length of our whole digestive tract and it spanned the length of the ceiling in our classroom. The reason why our alimentary canal is able to fit in our bodies is by folding itself and making itself more compact.

Another thing I learned about was diabetes and that there are two types of diabetes. Type one diabetes is when a person can't produce insulin and is usually diagnosed at a young age. Type 2 diabetes can be acquired and it is caused by insulin resistance. We read a chapter of a book explaining stress's effect on diabetes and the reading concluded that stress makes a diabetic's cells more insulin resistant. From this reading I also learned that stress can make people eat less or more; I am hyperphagic which means that when I am stressed I tend to eat more because of the glucocorticoid's effect on my body.

During this unit we also learned about metabolism and made a poster of one of the states. Our group did the starvation state and it helped us focus on one state and explain it to the rest of the class.
A couple things I still have questions about is how we can change the rate of our metabolism and why our stomach makes noises when we are hungry.

In my previous post I talk about my New Year's Goals for myself: . Looking back on these goals, I did not do that well on making sleep a priority. I have been staying up pretty late because of my work load but I am managing my time fairly well; it's just a busy month. Through out this next unit I will focus more on getting things done earlier instead of waiting until the last minute.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Digestive system lab

1) In our lab we measured out the theoretical length of our digestive system using string. Through the lab I realized that my digestive system is a lot longer than I thought it was. I did not know that my small intestine was longer than my large intestine because of its name.

2) My height is 1.6 m, so my digestive system is about 5 times longer than my height. I think our digestive tracts fit inside of our bodies because it is able to fold and compress.

3) I think it may take around 8 hours for food to move through our entire digestive system. According to Mayo Clinic, it takes 6-8 hours for food to move through our digestive system. Some factors that influence the time it takes is how much you chew your food and probably how long you wait before your next meal.

4) Absorption is when your large intestine take in water and nutrients. Digestion is defined as breaking down of food into smaller pieces. This process starts with the mouth and includes the stomach and small intestine.

5) I want to learn about how some diseases can effect our digestive system.

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Goals for second semester

1) I will manage my time better this semester.

To achieve this goal, I will start my homework when it is assigned and ask questions when they come up rather than waiting until right before the test. I will start studying for tests 2 days earlier, and if its a larger test maybe start studying the weekend before.

2) I will be healthier by sleeping more every night this semester.

To achieve this goal, I will finish the things I need to do as fast as possible and not waste time after doing them. I will not stay up too late if it is not worth it. If I have stayed up too late during the week, I will sleep in on the weekend and make sleeping a priority.